Friday, July 22, 2011

Cooley's Corner: Black and White photos from the past.

Cooley's Corner: Black and White photos from the past.: "Those that know me know i like black and white, while living in NYC in the 80's i took alot of BL photos and developed them myself. some are..."

Black and White photos from the past.

Those that know me know i like black and white, while living in NYC in the 80's i took alot of BL photos and developed them myself. some are are good and some not. several years ago a frind took all my negs and put them on a disk. you can tell the years of the negs floating around scratched them up some. Sorry, but still worth showing. feel free to coment.
New York City inthe Mid 80's

Stockade on Governors Island, New York Harbor.

Washington park, New York City

Central Park

Central Park hotel

can' remember where this is inthe city, Columbus Square?

Busy NYC treet

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Cooley's Corner:                                Not sure why pla...

Cooley's Corner:

Not sure why pla...
: " Not sure why plants interest me, My bride just shakes her head."

                               Not sure why plants interest me, My bride just shakes her head.
                                            Old School

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Riverside Rv Resort- Memorial Day 2011

 Our campfire
 Our group enjoying "SEAFOOD FEST", many different kinds of shrimp, Red Fish, Oyster along with all the fixins.
All the Food. we had enough for breakfast the next morning

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cooley's Corner: Kritters

Cooley's Corner: Kritters: "Lion Country Safari, West Palm Beach Fl. A must 'go'. If you like to camp there is a KOA next door. you can hear all the animals thoug..."


Lion Country Safari,  West Palm Beach Fl.  A must "go". If you like to camp there is a KOA next door. you can hear all the animals thoughout the campground.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Cooley's Corner: Lazy Dog

Cooley's Corner: Lazy Dog: "Our lazy Dog 'Junebug' puts her paws around the bowl and eats. Maybe she saw me slurping the cereal bowl"

Lazy Dog

Our lazy Dog "Junebug"  puts her paws around the bowl and eats. Maybe she saw me slurping the cereal bowl

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Birthday Stroll on The Beach

                                                         Which way do i go?
                                                         Havava sounds good.
                                                          Although i like it here

                                                   Ft Myers beach ,Fl

                                             Ft Myers Beach strand

                                                  get It?

enjoyed by Birthday with Friends and Family. had a great meal, Strolled on Ft Myers beach and topped it off with Ice Cream from DQ while watching the sun go down. cant beat that.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

SW Florida's Burrowing Owls

These little guys live in holes burrowed in the ground. they are native to this area and are protected. they mate for life. these are three different families all living near our house.

growing fast

update!  My Pineapple is growing Fast. it has double in size in just a week or two.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

where old and new clolide

This was taken in the mid 80's. I thought it was an interesting view on change and progress. How the past is never to far from the future.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Our churches new Pre School and early learning center.

a dream coming true.  i cant believe this was the old activity center/gym. should be open in two weeks. it will be awesome.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I want to go camping, Where my camper?

Welcome to my Corner

Welcome to my Corner, I will try to post pictures and coments about whats going on in SW Florida.